Wisconsin Peony Society Peony Bucks Program (And How It Works)
WPS Ltd. members earn Peony Bucks by volunteering in all sorts of ways. You choose how to volunteer and peony bucks will be awarded and can be used like cash for any items sold at WPS Ltd. events or at the WPS Ltd. Fall Root Auction. Peony Bucks cannot be used toward membership dues.
Members earn 25 Peony Bucks per member per year for the following:
Members earn 10 Bucks per member per year for the following:
Members earn 5 Peony Bucks per member per year for the following:
Maximum disbursement: 25 Peony Bucks per year maximum per member
Other Peony Bucks projects will be communicated as projects become available. Discretion will be used as to what qualifies and to what amount will be disbursed. Current WPS Ltd. President will make qualifying decisions in these cases.
Our Peony Bucks Program was initiated in 2017 to promote volunteerism within our organization. Each member is responsible for their own Peony Bucks once obtained, as they are not replaced if they are lost. Peony Bucks do not expire. This program can end at anytime with a vote by the WPS Ltd. Board and its membership.
Peony Bucks for the current year will be sent to you prior to WPS, Ltd. Fall Root